Well it’s the day after Easter & I’m feeling a little weird. Not really physically (although my voice hasn’t fully recovered from being sick a while back & I have a wedding to sing in this weekend—yikes) but more like I just feel weird in my heart.
Even though I’m not sure how feasible it is, I’m ready for my walk with the Lord to not be such a roller coaster. I think that ultimately we can achieve a consistently growing relationship with the Lord despite earthly circumstances, but I seem to let my earthly circumstances & selfishness affect my walk with the Lord, thus perpetuating the roller coaster cycle. I know that when I mess up, I should confess it, ask for forgiveness, pick myself up & move on, choosing to make difference choices when put in that situation again. This way I wouldn’t waste time, but instead I beat myself up for a few days & go into hiding from the Lord. This just makes the situation worse because it’s like deep down I know he’s just standing there with arms open like the father in the prodigal son parable, waiting for me to “come home” and I’m still standing far away hesitating because I’m not sure it’s ok for me to come home yet. I know the truth in my head. It seems that my heart may still believe some lies, though.
The past month or so has been an odd mixture of revelation from the Lord & poor/not God-honoring decisions. You know how “they” say that truly loving someone is a choice not based on feelings? Well, this is proving very true in my life. With every decision I make, it seems I’m choosing God or the world. I can choose to be selfish or honor Him. It was only recently that I realized how selfish I really am based on what kind of decisions I’m making. When I think of what I should do, a lot of time my argument against it starts with, “but I want…”. What the crap? I hate that! What does it matter what I want when ultimately the Lord knows what is best for me! Why don’t I trust that?! I know that “earthly pleasures” are so fleeting, and I want eternal! But for some reason I find myself choosing the emptiness of earth instead of the treasures of heaven. Ugh.
This past week I’ve heard two “sermons” that really spoke to me. One of them was on complete surrender & one of them was on resurrection power. Obviously the complete surrender one is self-explanatory, but he really just spoke truth with no “frills” and that’s how I learn best—truth straight from the Word. The resurrection power sermon was mostly about receiving “resurrection power” through your faith in trusting Jesus enough to let the areas of your life that you’re trying to get satisfaction from die. The resurrection comes in when you’re letting him bring life to all areas of your life, not striving to create true life with limited human capabilities. This sermon used the story from Luke 8 with the bleeding woman and the dead girl, both receiving resurrection power through faith.
I guess I’m not coming to any major conclusions here except that I do truly want to get all of my satisfaction in Jesus. That’s just proving to be really hard to live out sometimes. Also, when I am unfaithful to my Jesus, it makes me worry about what kind of wife I will be. Perhaps this is why the Lord has not brought the person I am to walk through life with yet, maybe He’s not done preparing me. Who knows? Obviously, I want to be fully prepared to love someone second to Jesus before I’m put in that position, I want to be in a place of drawing them nearer to the Lord through our relationship, and I don’t want to settle for just someone who is willing to give me attention, ha. All of this to say, if waiting longer means that I will be better prepared for my beloved, both in earthly & heavenly marriage, then so be it. He knows best & I need to remember that.
Even though I’m not sure how feasible it is, I’m ready for my walk with the Lord to not be such a roller coaster. I think that ultimately we can achieve a consistently growing relationship with the Lord despite earthly circumstances, but I seem to let my earthly circumstances & selfishness affect my walk with the Lord, thus perpetuating the roller coaster cycle. I know that when I mess up, I should confess it, ask for forgiveness, pick myself up & move on, choosing to make difference choices when put in that situation again. This way I wouldn’t waste time, but instead I beat myself up for a few days & go into hiding from the Lord. This just makes the situation worse because it’s like deep down I know he’s just standing there with arms open like the father in the prodigal son parable, waiting for me to “come home” and I’m still standing far away hesitating because I’m not sure it’s ok for me to come home yet. I know the truth in my head. It seems that my heart may still believe some lies, though.
The past month or so has been an odd mixture of revelation from the Lord & poor/not God-honoring decisions. You know how “they” say that truly loving someone is a choice not based on feelings? Well, this is proving very true in my life. With every decision I make, it seems I’m choosing God or the world. I can choose to be selfish or honor Him. It was only recently that I realized how selfish I really am based on what kind of decisions I’m making. When I think of what I should do, a lot of time my argument against it starts with, “but I want…”. What the crap? I hate that! What does it matter what I want when ultimately the Lord knows what is best for me! Why don’t I trust that?! I know that “earthly pleasures” are so fleeting, and I want eternal! But for some reason I find myself choosing the emptiness of earth instead of the treasures of heaven. Ugh.
This past week I’ve heard two “sermons” that really spoke to me. One of them was on complete surrender & one of them was on resurrection power. Obviously the complete surrender one is self-explanatory, but he really just spoke truth with no “frills” and that’s how I learn best—truth straight from the Word. The resurrection power sermon was mostly about receiving “resurrection power” through your faith in trusting Jesus enough to let the areas of your life that you’re trying to get satisfaction from die. The resurrection comes in when you’re letting him bring life to all areas of your life, not striving to create true life with limited human capabilities. This sermon used the story from Luke 8 with the bleeding woman and the dead girl, both receiving resurrection power through faith.
I guess I’m not coming to any major conclusions here except that I do truly want to get all of my satisfaction in Jesus. That’s just proving to be really hard to live out sometimes. Also, when I am unfaithful to my Jesus, it makes me worry about what kind of wife I will be. Perhaps this is why the Lord has not brought the person I am to walk through life with yet, maybe He’s not done preparing me. Who knows? Obviously, I want to be fully prepared to love someone second to Jesus before I’m put in that position, I want to be in a place of drawing them nearer to the Lord through our relationship, and I don’t want to settle for just someone who is willing to give me attention, ha. All of this to say, if waiting longer means that I will be better prepared for my beloved, both in earthly & heavenly marriage, then so be it. He knows best & I need to remember that.
The picture of the rainbow represents hope.
1 comment:
hope hope hope. i give you all my hope.
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