Monday, April 16, 2007

blessed union of souls

well, they did it! bonnie & dustin got married this weekend! i can't believe it, but it was such a beautiful thing! it's funny that right now what keeps reunions of old friends going is that there's a wedding every couple of months, ha...this one was especially beautiful, not just in the natural, but especially in the spiritual sense! they have such a "song of solomon" romance. dustin really felt like the Lord told him he would be with bonnie, and so he relentlessly pursued her for two years before it was time for them to be together--two years! i can't even imagine a man being willing to pursue his beloved without much hope in the natural for that long. wow. the reason i say it is a song of solomon romance is because that's the way Jesus pursues us, his bride. on the front of bonnie & dustin's program, it read "because He first loved". that's so true. the only reason we even know what love is or how to sort of do it is because He's showed us. i had the honor of singing in the wedding with bonnie's brother & a friend. the music that bonnie & dustin chose created such a beautiful picture of how Jesus pursues his "dark, yet lovely" chosen bride, calls her away with him, and romances her. the last couple of songs were scripture straight from revelation, which is so powerful, and hallelujah. they left to a song about dancing on the golden streets of heaven!! i get tears in my eyes when i think about it because i think they have figured out what this marriage thing is about--they will glorify the Lord more as one than apart, and they will be a stronger warrior for the army of the Lord than they could have ever been alone. that's it. that's the point, i think. glory for God and being kingdom-minded. love like this that will continue unswervingly despite roadblocks and hardships is what i want in a husband. someone who will pursue me as Jesus pursues me. it blesses my heart so much to be assured that bonnie is married to a man who will pursue and love her until death parts them. it was awesome to listen to people talk about the two of them this weekend during the rehearsal dinner, toasts, etc., and just to be so reassured that my friend, a precious jewel, will now be under the covering of such a worthy man of God. there's so many weddings that you leave with that kind of uneasy feeling about the union, but this was truly a blessed union of souls. (no pun intended, ha ;) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's such a great (and Godly!) way to view marriage! I'm glad your friend Bonnie was so blessed as to have circumstances that most of us only dream of :)

Congratulations to both of them!

And yes, I'm ready to be pursued as well! (*ahem*looks up at ceiling pointedly*ahem*)